Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Bliss of Heaven

The last post has really got me thinking about just what the appeal of Heaven is. It goes without saying that a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ will have a different belief about heaven from say a Jew or a Muslim. Seeing as I am neither of the latter two , nor Hindu or Buddist, but simply a Chirstian seeking to know what the Holy Scriptures of my God have to offer on the subject, I can only approach this topic from two directions. One being a worldling brought up in a society facading as Christian, for that is what I once was. The other being a redeemed, Heaven-bound child of the Living God, for that is what I am today.

The first appeal that Heaven held for me as a worldling is that when we are finally there as purchased children of God we will be no longer burdened down by the heaviness of sin. Just as Christian in the beloved "Pilgrim's Progress", I was shown the weight upon myself that not only bogged me down now but would eventually drive me into the very pit of Hell. This pack was not placed upon me because of any deed of unrighteousness which then stained my soul. It is, however, identical to that which is upon all who are born of flesh.

Heaven is the Kingdom-home of the only One who was never born of our father Adam. It is reigned over by the only One who posessed the clean, pure and acceptable currency with which to purchase a sin-ridden soul. The only One who could remove that horrid weight of sin and wash its stains from the layers flesh and eventually the heart it's self. Heaven is the place where "when we see Him, we will be like Him." We will finally be "whiter that snow." Only the blood of Jesus can make us that clean.

In short, Heaven is a holy place. The dwelling of the Most Holy One who will not allow a waft of anyone's sin into His home. Not only do the deeds of our hands and hearts against God reek of death but those which we see as redeeming reek of death warmed over. There's nothing more potent than the smell of a rotting corpse in the heat of summer.

We are not home yet and it is yet to be seen what exact form we will take as we enter into our long-awaited home. The sure thing , however, is that we will not be as we are today. We will fully desire just what we will then have: complete untainted communion with the Most Holy and Most High God. Creator and Re-Creator of those born again in Christ.

Holiness, holiness is what I long for.
Holiness is what I need.
Holiness, holiness is what You want from me.

So, take my heart and form it.
Take my mind and transform it.
Take my will and conform it,
To Yours, to Yours , O Lord.

Scott Underwood
1994 Vineyard Publishing

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The Way I See It #230

Heaven is totally overrated.
It seems boring. Clouds,
listening to people play the harp.
It should be somewhere you can't wait to go,
like a luxury hotel. Maybe blue skies
and soft music were enough to keep people in line
in the 17th century, but Heaven has to step it up a bit.
They're basically getting by because they only
have to be better than Hell.

--Joel Stein
Columnist for the
Los Angeles Times

Have you seen this opinion?

As you may be able to discern by the format in which this quote has been typed, that it was not found on the side of a milk carton but rather was handed to me by an unsuspecting young adult pushing java (or in this case green tea) at a local dive dedicated to that great saint...Arbuck.

Although the bottom of the cup clearly reads: This is the author's opinion, not necessarily that of Starbucks. Some one of at least a little power within the company thought that this might be a true statement, or simply a very interesting one. The problem however is that this opinion was stated by someone who has, at the least, been mis-informed about heaven and what will take place there. However the most likely explaination is that the author is unable to appreciate the bliss that Heaven offers because He knows not the King that rules in this very real "land."

Heaven is meant to bring the highest glory to God. It isn't meant "to keep people in line." Heaven isn't about what we get to sit on or listen to. It isn't about us at all. It is however, about God sitting on the throne and listening to the praises of His creatures who delight in Him as only He can turn their hearts to do.

Unfortunately many people get their information on Heaven from all the wrong places. Don't rely on someone who doesn't believe that doesn't like pizza to give you a good recipe for the dough. And don't rely on an unbelieving reporter to tell you what heaven will be like. Especially from the side of a cup.


Shortly after reading this quote I visited my Pastor's blog. As luck would have it (or the providence of God; the more likely explaination), He is taking a survey on the question: "What is the Biggest Problem Facing Today's Christians?" The options to vote for are:

o Indifference
o Political Correctness or Modernism
o Charismatics and Pentecostals
o Cults or Sects
o Biblical Illiteracy

You may be able to suppose my answer in thinking of the American Church after reading the above text.

So what does this have to do with an illinformed columnist in LA? Obviously his sources are a bit off with their information. He and they are Biblically illiterate. Being associated with such a large reporting agency one would assume that Mr. Stein checks his sources. But reading reading the text of the Holy Scriptures or even understanding it will not be enough to make Joel Stein or his informants to be credible sources on the subject. The Spirit of God alone can make someone to know the Glories of Christ and the Heaven over which He will reign.

Where do you get your information about God and His Heaven?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oh, So Very Long Ago

This is a week that will be remembered by most here in the U.S. as a marker of devistation for many. On Monday there was a terrible shooting an the campus of Virgina Tech. If you have been sheltered from this news do a little search and you will have much more information than I will give here.
I am commonly a listener to NPR (National Public Radio) and often forget that it is still playing while there are others in the car. Tuesday I was reminded that it was on by a small voice from the back seat. As we were nearly home from preschool the three-year-old who had spent all day sheltered within the walls of Ms. Megan's class room said "thirty people died." His voice wasn't sorrow-full or reporter-like but questioning. I quickly agreed with his statement, even though the number was incorrect, with a pitiful "yes."
He then asked why they died and the only answer that I could muster was smiply "There was a man who was very sad and he wanted other people to be sad too, so he killed those thirty people." He will have forgotten the awful events he heard reported by the time he's ten or eleven. He'll not, however, be spared from the hearing of such future events.
When I was in kindergarten the U.S. mourned the loss of a group of astronauts when the "Challenger" exploded shortly after it's launch. One year after the Oklahoma City bombing, on the day after a beloved Junior High teacher died following a battle with lukemia, the Colombine shooting occurred. Not long after was a school shooting just six hours away from my hometown. A couple of years after I began a career working with children three planes smashed into buildings filled with people just minding their own business. Two years ago I was blessed to visit Louisana in order to help with a small clean-up effort after hurricaine Katrina passed through the Gulf of Mexico and destroyed thousands of people's homes.
All of these things will be written into textbooks for children of future generations to read. I wonder if someone will be there to tell them the truth that they too are capable of making history. All it takes is a little determination and a bit of firepower and you too can become a face on the news and maybe in a history book for kids just like you to read in U.S. history class.
To quote that great philosopher Jack Johnson "Where'd all the good people go?"

Monday, April 16, 2007

There is a blog written by a young and lovely lady very far away that I read on occasion. She has a way of putting things in just enough light to show a bit of truth under their first layers. Here's a little taste from a post called: "What's that smell?"

"Understand less, live safer! We'd do everything in our power to protect ourselves from meanings. Identifying a big truth about ourselves is like living à la McEwan, that is, with a hidden rotting corpse in the cellar. Its stench would grow stronger and stronger - familiar, alarming, terrorizing. Hold back. Now. Till it's not too late. The only thing you need to know about yourself is your name. All the rest would stink, would break your heart and would stir the flesh flies."

As a believer in God's sovereignty over all aspects of salvation I go directly to "total depravity" upon reading this brief statement on the human condition.

Although I read Adela's site I can't recommend it fully to everyone stumbling upon this one. I can say however that I am often challenged by her writings to look beyond the outer layer of life this side of Heaven.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Praise Him! Praise Him! We are not left in desperate anguish.

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

We will be like Him! We will be Risen! We will be Risen Indeed!

The Saviour of promise will keep His promise!!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

At the Feet of the King

Yesterday was Palm Sunday. The day set aside to celebrate the entry of our beloved King into what should have been His capitol city; Jerusalem . We all know the tradgic story of this King who's blood would soon be spilled to cover the sins of those who would come to Him for forgiveness. Just a few days before this eternal Lamb's slaughter the people who would later proclaim "Crucify Him" shouted "Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!" and laid palm branches and cloaks down as His red carpet of welcome. This post, however, is not about what those people laid down so long ago.

Although we my say; "Hypocrits, driven and tossed by the winds of the moment" what is it that we have laid down at His feet? And how often have we picked our offerings back up as though to say "You can't do this thing which I have entrusted to You; You can't trample the sin from this flesh." The personally picked palm branches and worn cloaks are beautiful compared to that which we have to offer. Our sin-stained flesh is all that we can lay down. Praise Him that He washes it clean as only He can!!

Distracting Thought:
I just answered the doorbell to find two young ladies who have presented to the household with a well designed flyer. The flyer is meant to "Invite you to remember the greatest man who ever lived on the anniversary of his death".
I am offended that my Saviour has been stripped of honor even if it's just on a well designed flyer. (I can't describe how hard it was to leave out capitol letters in reffering to Jesus while quoting their words.) Yet how often do I strip Him of honor by forgetting to acknowledge Him at all? How often do I ignore the truth of His sacrifice by sinning again in what I have claimed to lay down?

Too, too often am I blinded by my flesh. Of all the words I could use to describe this weight on my heart only one little word is needed. Sad.