Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chasing the Son and Slaying Monsters

Chasing the Son
The plane ride out to the west coast was quite the journey. I was indeed chasing the sun and I think that I would have come much closer to catching it if I hadn't missed the flight from Dallas/Fort Worth, TX to San Jose, CA. However there was only a short wait as a standby for the very next flight headed that way.

As a standby I thought it important to be at the gate as the passengers were being loaded on the plane. There were a total of 13 people on the standby list an I was number 5. The other standbys I waited with were numbers 1, 6, & 7. Mr. 1 was a gentleman with the US Army on his way to classes for his continuing college education. Mr. 6 & Ms. 7 were a young couple who had just finished vacation in the northeast corner of our country. Mr. 1 was soon called upon to fill the first vacant seat available due to a cancelation, while the remaining three of us waited patiently for our names to be called.

As the plane was being loaded the maintenance crew had time to address a few issues with the aircraft but there remained work to be accomplished even after the boarding had finished. As we, the remaining standbys, anticipated the completion along with the final boarding call there seemed a light for at least one of us perhaps even two. The helpful attendants made us aware of this glimmer at which my companions stated that they wouldn't be split up for this second to last leg of their journey home. My gut reaction to this was that should there be two seats left on the plane Mr. 6 & Ms. 7 could have my seat that they may remain together. I spoke this gut reaction to the very helpful attendant.

I know people in the area of Ft. Worth that would be glad to minister to my need of lodging should the occasion arise and therefore was not afraid of the wait that I may have to endure for as much as a day. Furthermore the people expecting my arrival in CA were not on a tight schedule for the next couple of days so their retrieving me an hour or two later would not be a huge inconvience. Therefore I offered my seat in complete confidence that my needs would be met because of the graciousness of God to provide such a relaxed situatuion on my behalf.

After relaying the offer of my seat, I was given a bit of a spiritual start because of the response of Ms. 7. Even though it was meant as a compliment when she said "that would ge such good karma if you did that" my heart jumped back at the thought of doing something for karma's sake. Many of us act in such a way that we may gain some type of reward even if it's just a smile or a tiny pat on the back. Without realizing it we are drawn to this simple and yet powerful motivation to good deeds. The first words that entered my thoughts were "I don't believe in karma." Although my first gut reaction was happily relayed this one I held back, out of fear, pride or simple stupididity. I'm not sure but I regret not having said anything about trusting in the road of karma to get me anywhere being like chasing the sun.

The outcome: The two seats togther were taken by the couple who reserved them to begin with. Mr. 6 & Ms. 7 boarded a flight directly home to Portland which was where they intended to end up after one more connecting flight. The one seat remaining was never claimed by the intended party therefore I sat in her place and arrived in San Jose only an hour later than origianlly planned.

Later I tried to examine the situation and my heart. I asked myself if I truly do not believe in karma. My flesh is very attracted to the idea. Seeking the scratching of one back for that of another equally giving person in order to gain a little scratch for myself. Even to have someone feel as if they are in debted to me in some way. But I cringe at the thought that this might be what drives my actions.

When I yeilded to Christ in the beginning of this walk, prayerfully by His side, this was an issue that I knew was lacking in my life. I was driven by the approval of friends and family to do what seemed right in their eyes. When confronted with the reality that I was indeed acting on a daily basis out of fear of mere creatures I was broken to think that I was not even conscience of the Creator the only One who could rightly judge both actions and motives.

On that night I set aside the approval of men. I have lost friends as a result just as anyone striving to keep God's standards. I have denied some fleshly desires to keep His commands but so what. If I bow to the approval of creatures today and that bowing puts the Creator at my back than it is a loss for His glory and I count all He has given, done, and sacrificed to secure my life in His Son as vainity. So instead of chasing the lesser glory of mankind I pray that my desire would be made complete in the ever challenging pursuit, in Chasing the Son.

There will be regrets because I am still flesh surrounded by sin and its effects but the light is brighter where I am headed and that blackness left in sin's wake cannot survive there. It will be burned to ash and brushed away by His mighty hand.

Slaying Monsters

On a lighter note: Today was spent around the house with a little outing consisting of Toys-R-Us and IN-N-OUT Burger where you can purchase a t-shirt at the drive-thru window. Great time with the kids and a couple of items crossed off of the request list. In the evening hours we attended a birthday party which the youngest of my hosts was invited to join at the famed establishment of Chuck E. Cheese where my 7 year old companion and I were challenged with the slying of dinosaurs tring to take over our island. We were not sucessful but hopefully their numbers will be limited to that remote spot in the sea.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Just Hanging Out

Well the Service yesterday was great and I was blessed with excellent conversation with some of those I met last year as well as new found brothers and sisters in Christ. I was asked to share my personal testimony of responding to the gospel and was blessed to hear that of others as well. Fellowship within the body of Christ is an amazing thing. It transcends background, situation and station of life to bring the most unlikely of brethren together.

A side note: I met two flickr fellows after services. It truly is a small world.

Yesterday evening the more extended family gathered for a dinner celebrating a 18th wedding anniversary. (My thanks to GJ) At Piatti's, an Italian eatery here in Danville, I enjoyed a plate of "Ravioli Al Lemone." Ravioli stuffed with spinach and cheese and covered with a creamy citrus sauce. I loved it. The sad thing about all this wonderful food I've been surrounded with is that my stomach isn't quite up to the task of finishing any of it. So...after sharing a bite or two with some of my lovely dinner companions and completing what I felt was a adequate portin for my self, there remained two well stuffed ravioli. What was I to do? There wasn't quite enough to save for later and too much to be left on the plate. I will end the suspense...I ate them.

Today, I hung out with the older of the two children while the younger enjoyed birthday festivities with his classmates. We then had an hearty lunch at a local dinner(patty melt for me). We came back to the house and played a little Wii. The children and I then went to see "Underdog" which was quite entertaining and family friendly.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

All Things Relative (weather and time zone)

Well, things are going great here. I haven't seen the kids just yet but will in a couple of hours. This is Dad's weekend so they've been a little tied up with Grandma in town and a b-day party for the youngest. So when I came into the airport my very joyful ride was perfectly on time to move on to bigger and better things and in this case that was Food. Mexican food to be exact. We headed to a favorite eateryof my hostess'.

"El Torito"

While inside I was asked to recount the happenings of my life for the last ten to eight months which made me thankful that there has been many changes to produce conversation and also to give God glory for. I in turn asked Cristine to do the same. It was a great opportunity to get to an insight into what the week may hold and what to pray for while here and in days to follow. The conversation was so good that I nearly forgot that we were in California and that it was only about 72 degrees outside. When I opened the door to exit the establishment I was quickly reminded. The brisk air, high mountians and palm trees outside in San Jose were excellent reminders.

It seems this morning that life for others is taking a little long to get started, I suppose that is because I woke around 5am pacific time and finished an hour's walk and preparations for the day by 7:30. Well my ride for church will be here shortly so I will leave all this for now and post more later.

Perhaps you have not heard that my mother is going in for tests on her heart tomorrow. Please pray for her and for wisdom for the doctors. In one of these tests they will attempt to cause a heart attack in order to see just what is going on. Again, please pray for comfort in our sovereign God for those awaiting the results, for wisdom and guidance for the doctors, and God's will for my mom.


Saturday, August 11, 2007


Have Arrived! Only one mistake on my part and had to take a different flight as a standby. All my fault.

More to come and pics as well.

Friday, August 10, 2007

"Leavin' On A Jet Plane" (again)

Well tomorrow is flight day for me. The amazing internet has allowed me to check-in a day early and an hour and a half away from the airport. It's crazy what we can do these days. Well there are bags to finish packing and calls to make so that will be enough for today. There will be pictures and paragraphs to follow.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Packing Ain't All It's Cracked Up To Be!!

Okay, this Saturday I'll be boarding a seven hour flight accross this great land of the free. Free that is unless you want to bring shampoo and toothpaste.

I understand all the security and even the limits on liquids but I'm only going for a week and guess what...everything I want to take fits in one carry-on size bag. However, I will have to check that bag and leave it up to the Power that is to keep it from getting lost in transit. Alas, I do not know the complete will of God regarding my luggage. Therefore I will not be able to bring one bag on my journey. There will be a second, unchecked bag, a bag that will be by my side throughout the flying process. This bag will contain a few books, paper, pens, verse memory card, peanuts, a sandwich, water (purchased at the airport), purell, an mp3 player, headphones, a handheld sudoku game, some gum, a small blankie, a reese's treat and alas a change of clothes.

I'm not suggesting that anyone make exceptions for little-ol-me. I just want to put one week of my life in a single bag. (and a camera case)