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Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Bliss of Heaven

The last post has really got me thinking about just what the appeal of Heaven is. It goes without saying that a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ will have a different belief about heaven from say a Jew or a Muslim. Seeing as I am neither of the latter two , nor Hindu or Buddist, but simply a Chirstian seeking to know what the Holy Scriptures of my God have to offer on the subject, I can only approach this topic from two directions. One being a worldling brought up in a society facading as Christian, for that is what I once was. The other being a redeemed, Heaven-bound child of the Living God, for that is what I am today.

The first appeal that Heaven held for me as a worldling is that when we are finally there as purchased children of God we will be no longer burdened down by the heaviness of sin. Just as Christian in the beloved "Pilgrim's Progress", I was shown the weight upon myself that not only bogged me down now but would eventually drive me into the very pit of Hell. This pack was not placed upon me because of any deed of unrighteousness which then stained my soul. It is, however, identical to that which is upon all who are born of flesh.

Heaven is the Kingdom-home of the only One who was never born of our father Adam. It is reigned over by the only One who posessed the clean, pure and acceptable currency with which to purchase a sin-ridden soul. The only One who could remove that horrid weight of sin and wash its stains from the layers flesh and eventually the heart it's self. Heaven is the place where "when we see Him, we will be like Him." We will finally be "whiter that snow." Only the blood of Jesus can make us that clean.

In short, Heaven is a holy place. The dwelling of the Most Holy One who will not allow a waft of anyone's sin into His home. Not only do the deeds of our hands and hearts against God reek of death but those which we see as redeeming reek of death warmed over. There's nothing more potent than the smell of a rotting corpse in the heat of summer.

We are not home yet and it is yet to be seen what exact form we will take as we enter into our long-awaited home. The sure thing , however, is that we will not be as we are today. We will fully desire just what we will then have: complete untainted communion with the Most Holy and Most High God. Creator and Re-Creator of those born again in Christ.

Holiness, holiness is what I long for.
Holiness is what I need.
Holiness, holiness is what You want from me.

So, take my heart and form it.
Take my mind and transform it.
Take my will and conform it,
To Yours, to Yours , O Lord.

Scott Underwood
1994 Vineyard Publishing

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