Helos (Greek: nail)

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Monday, April 16, 2007

There is a blog written by a young and lovely lady very far away that I read on occasion. She has a way of putting things in just enough light to show a bit of truth under their first layers. Here's a little taste from a post called: "What's that smell?"

"Understand less, live safer! We'd do everything in our power to protect ourselves from meanings. Identifying a big truth about ourselves is like living à la McEwan, that is, with a hidden rotting corpse in the cellar. Its stench would grow stronger and stronger - familiar, alarming, terrorizing. Hold back. Now. Till it's not too late. The only thing you need to know about yourself is your name. All the rest would stink, would break your heart and would stir the flesh flies."

As a believer in God's sovereignty over all aspects of salvation I go directly to "total depravity" upon reading this brief statement on the human condition.

Although I read Adela's site I can't recommend it fully to everyone stumbling upon this one. I can say however that I am often challenged by her writings to look beyond the outer layer of life this side of Heaven.

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