Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Monday, April 02, 2007

At the Feet of the King

Yesterday was Palm Sunday. The day set aside to celebrate the entry of our beloved King into what should have been His capitol city; Jerusalem . We all know the tradgic story of this King who's blood would soon be spilled to cover the sins of those who would come to Him for forgiveness. Just a few days before this eternal Lamb's slaughter the people who would later proclaim "Crucify Him" shouted "Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!" and laid palm branches and cloaks down as His red carpet of welcome. This post, however, is not about what those people laid down so long ago.

Although we my say; "Hypocrits, driven and tossed by the winds of the moment" what is it that we have laid down at His feet? And how often have we picked our offerings back up as though to say "You can't do this thing which I have entrusted to You; You can't trample the sin from this flesh." The personally picked palm branches and worn cloaks are beautiful compared to that which we have to offer. Our sin-stained flesh is all that we can lay down. Praise Him that He washes it clean as only He can!!

Distracting Thought:
I just answered the doorbell to find two young ladies who have presented to the household with a well designed flyer. The flyer is meant to "Invite you to remember the greatest man who ever lived on the anniversary of his death".
I am offended that my Saviour has been stripped of honor even if it's just on a well designed flyer. (I can't describe how hard it was to leave out capitol letters in reffering to Jesus while quoting their words.) Yet how often do I strip Him of honor by forgetting to acknowledge Him at all? How often do I ignore the truth of His sacrifice by sinning again in what I have claimed to lay down?

Too, too often am I blinded by my flesh. Of all the words I could use to describe this weight on my heart only one little word is needed. Sad.

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