Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A Thousand Words Times Six

Here's a few pics I took in San Fransisco the first weekend.

Notre Dame look alike (very spiritual, not very Christian)

Yoda Friend My (much doesn't he say)

Self-Cleaning Public Potty (I couldn't bring myself to use it even though it was only $0.25)

Alcatraz Island (from pier 39)

One of the memorialized ships we visited had a display of antique cars. (very cool)

Sign for sell in the Ferry Building $40 (I think most parents could make their money back within a week just by enforcing it occaisonally)


Anonymous said...

Oh I would be VERY WEALTHY if I enforced.no Whining and a five $ charge..and not from my children:)I speak of myself!!
Love and miss you!! Pebi

4given said...

Ummm.... I want that sign. More for reminding myself than my children. :-/