Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Friend In Time of Need

Greetings to you,

I said in my last post that Iwould be telling more of my travelings and the Lord's provisions in it. Well, here it goes.

As we arrived at the airport it was both a pleasure and an awkward moment to see someone who for various reasons has not joined our fellowship for many months now. Mrs. Barbara Nelson was on her way to Tyler, TX for a protien treatment that is a bit of an experiment for a rarely diagnosed condition called Alpha I. The blessings were found in Barbara's many and frequent travels to the Dallas/Fort Worth airport.

As Mrs. Barbara arranged with one of the ticket takers for us to sit together on the plane, I was praising God for both her upfront ways and her comfort with the trip. On our 45min trip to Dallas, Barbara brought out her Krispy Kreme donughts and made sure to share them with not only me but the dentist in the seat on the other side of her. Upon our arrival Barbara's personal assistant provided by the airport helped her into her wheelchair and made sure that she arrived at her gate on time and in the process made sure that I found my own.

The Lord is continually meeting our needs in sometimes the most surprising ways. I thank God for His hand that weaves our lives together in the most perfect of ways.


"Filthy Rags"

This morning I awoke around 4am west coast time and therefore was allowed much time in the Scriptures, while the house was still very quiet and very cool. As I read the third chapter of Philippians, I was thankful that, as far as the world in concerned, I have accomplished very little. A nanny or child-care provider is generally seen as something a young woman does until something else comes along or until Prince Charming arrives. (By the way child-care is not a good way to meet guys. The good ones are either married or still devoted to and ex who drains his affections, and rightly so. Perhaps there's a widower out there somewhere.)

Paul's list of filthy rags in verses 4-6 caused me to make my own and looking at it only caused me to weep at my own wast of effort and look to God and His interpostion with the saving blood of His perfect Son. "But God, being rich in mercy..." Ephesians 2:4

I think that I have posted these stanzas before, however, I hope that you will take a moment to look at the transition from the first line to the last.

Many Blessings,
N. L. White

What Have I But Damnation

What have I but damnation, for sick and weak am I
Just a wretch short of glory, with sin as my demise

A willing hand held o'er my eyes, in sin I blindly stood
Hands held o'er my fleshly ears, ignoring God's call to good

But then the hands removed, not by my will but the cross
To see salvation's radiance, to hear the call of God

A blessed child of glory, sure to reach Jordan's coast
What have I but Jesus, In Him alone I boast.
©N.L. White 2005

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