Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Married to the Lord

I have been blessed so much over the last 13 years by the Bride of Christ.

Last week was my 29th birthday. A good one. There was no big party or huge gifts to report but the week was tremendously blessed. My employing family took me out to a wonderful lunch of Pizza (LOVE IT), many friends on Facebook sent happy wishes, the youth group girls wrote their names all over my car with a message of love, and a couple of close friends gave me tokens of affection. One of these was a ring.

Now anyone, who knows me, knows that I generally don't wear jewelry on my arms and hands. I simply get distracted by rings and braceletts. But I put on this simple, yet beautiful, ring on Sunday night and have only removed it for bathing purposes this entire week.

I was blessed yesterday evening with some time serving Christ with my mother. I pointed out the new ring to her and she said "Married to the Lord, huh?" to which I replied "For now :^)"

I was dwelling a bit on that this morning after reading Psalm 46 which is written as a celebration song for one of king David's weddings, and thought about the fact that I am indeed married to the Son of the Living God, along with countless other Saints. A blessing which encouraged me to serve the Bride of Christ even further.

"Listen, O daughter, give your attention and incline your ear: Forget your people and your father's house; Then the King will desire your beauty. Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him." Psalm 46:10-11

1 comment:

N. L. White said...

I took off my ring last night to reach a light switch behind a bookcase and left it on a table. I awoke at three this morning with a strange wanting sensation on my hand. I panicked a bit, unable to remember where I took it off, if i took it off.

I found it, whew!

A great reminder of how we ought to long for the Bride of Christ.