Helos (Greek: nail)

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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Only one year at a time, please.

I noticed a few more grey/white hairs today.


Kade said...

Awwww... Nanci...

that's hilarious! there's no way yer gettin old! ha! ha!

you're one of my best friends and you chill with teens like a pro!

you're very young at heart, and you'll always be, nanci!

yer friend,

Rachel said...

yeah, who cares about a few gray hairs? Its the inside that counts! And besides, you are SO not getting old :)

N. L. White said...

You guys are too kind...
...and perhaps blind.

But I love you both.

Rachel said...

Nope, I'm not blind! I've got glasses :P lol...

I just noticed how.... dunno the word for it, but how.. weird my comment sounded ;) Like so totally not me! 'It is the inside that counts'...... let me repeat that..

Of *course* you aren't getting old! But... if you think you are, I think it's time for a name change for you. How bout Grandma Nancy? Sounds nice huh? But maybe you need more than a 'few gray hairs' for that. Or maybe Miss White? Ah! Perfecto! I've found it!!

And yet.....nope. You're a super, neat, happy, YOUTHFUL, so on and so forth, etc etc, you get the point.

But, one tip to avoid more gray hairs. Stay away from certain teens at church ;)

Love ya!
Haha... my word verification is realeter

N. L. White said...

Oh, wise Rachel.

Thank you for the tip. I'm sure it will work beautifully :^)