Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Coming Along

Okay so I'm working on this story which as of yet is titled "Over A Cup Of Tea." I have been pretty consistent at writing a page or so at a time and haven't experienced major writer's block. However, I do have a dilemma which I didn't really expect. I continue to ask the question "How much of myself do I reveal?"

I am, as many can see from my writings here, a Christian and for me that means that I strive to put Christ first in every situation. I am therefore torn in the happenings with the characters of my composition. I am, also admitted in my writings here, a hypocrite. This means that I am also torn with the happenings and how much of my sinful conscience to reveal.

In short this SHORT story is quite a challenge.

If you have an opinion let me know.
(This is the interaction piece of the presentation.)

1 comment:

N. L. White said...

Okay... a couple of days and no suggestions so... I've one of my own. Perhaps the "dilemma" is not a matter to be concerned about at all, but could indeed be the answer.

Okay enough sorting that all out here.