Helos (Greek: nail)

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Science (Knowledge) of the Cross

There are many issues of conscience that the Believer may address: abortion, evolution, pornography, adultry, homosexuality, theft, murder, the lying tongue, empty religion. However, apart from calling one to recognize that he, himself is a sinner in need of the Saviour, they are not the forefront issue when addressing the unbeliever. In light of eternity these things are but trifles. Apart from calling one to repentance, addressing these things, even Biblically, thrusts nothing but hot air and empty words upon the unbelieving heart.

Though the "Gospel" is the good news of God and includes the whole of Scripture, an understanding of the events leading to the destruction of Sodom are not what serves as light to the path for men's souls into heaven's gates. Without the propitiation made by Christ the is no hope for the unbeliever, whatever his sin, no light that may shine into the darkness of men's hearts. Without His driven nails to break apart the barrier of sin that separates humanity from the love of God, we are left with nothing to penitrate the heart of stone which weighs the unbeliever down to the very depths of Hell.

A Brother-in-Christ, Steve Camp, has written on the Church's lack of penitrating involvement in the issues surrounding the AIDS virus. His point is that people need Christ whatever their situation.

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