Helos (Greek: nail)

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

A Bad Word

Perhaps to some of you this is a new or old concept.
Easter is a bad, bad word.

I had the opportunity last year to celebrate the resurrection of our LORD on the Sunday following Passover. The gospel was preached and we celebrated the day. On "Easter" Sunday we aslo recieved the gospel as well as a teaching on the hediousness of that bad word. It was a wonderful opportunity to make the distinction because the two were not on the same day.

I understand that most of America and even the Church say this word all the time in reference to the day of Christ's resurrection. I also understand that most of us are uneducated on the origin of this word and the goddess it reflects. A left-over from the Roman Catholic church that protestants didn't notice.

Please take the time to read through this sermon. Perhaps you will be as disgusted with yourself and your lack of understanding as I was.

Titus 3:3a "For we also once were foolish ourselves..."

Many blessings as you celebrate the Resurrection of our Saviour and Lord.

Love Him,
N. L. White

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