Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was listening to bits of an album put out by one of my favorite lady singers and found myself thinking about some of her past songs that just make me laugh. I then realized that perhaps the characteristic I like most about her is that she is sassy. In fact if you were to look that word up in the dictionary it may very well have a footnote containing her name. I suppose it would have to be just the right dictionary though. Or it may even enclude a picture of this Southern Belle. Perhaps this picture.

P.S. One of today's best guitarists plays on all of the songs and produced the album. Thanks to my brotha' for the insight.


N. L. White said...

not one of her sassy-ist pictures but I love fresh green beans.

N. L. White said...

notice the fake background? maybe it was on the set of Hee-Haw or something.

BTW: It's Loretta Lynn in the picture.