Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Coffee Creations

Today I had coffee with a cousin and an aunt at a local dive. Kennedy Coffee, owned by a family member of a dear friend (hey Pasha). For the last few months they've had some modern-esc art on the walls both for display and for purchase. I was not personally impressed by the pieces. It wasn't my "thing." But today they had some art work more suiting to my eye.
It's basically watercolour with espresso as the medium. It's mostly some java takes on some classics. So take something I like, classic art work, and repaint it with something I like to drink, coffee. I'm liking this. So visit the painter's website and give a grin in response to the clever coffee creations. Then if you're in the area head to Kennedy Coffee and purchase a painting with your "Velvet Elvis" or "House Mocha."

Happy Holidays!!
NL White


Pasha said...

Hey, back to ya'. I love the "layered" qualities of those coffee paintings too. Very cozy. Brown is such a wonderful color and coffee is such a wonderful beverage, how could you go wrong?!!
Merry Christmas

N. L. White said...

Hope you had a great holy-day! Happy New Year!