Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Busy Week

Master of Disguise This week my usual flexibility has been spoken for by an occasional employer who has been very gracious. God has used them often in these last seven years to provide hours when nanny times have been sparse and when I've needed an extra bit of cash for this and that. The parents left for France on Friday and asked me to be a single parent in their absence. "Mom" who is extremely organized has arranged for family friends and neighbors to help out with pick-up from school and various weekly activities, which is a great help, but from 6:30pm to 7:30am They're all mine. This weekend we held a spy convention at the house creating legends and IDs for the neighborhood boys as well as nearly missing a baseball game one of them was to play in.
The time is, however, bitter-sweet. I recieved a call yesterday from dear, dear friends, a brother and sister in Christ, with a request for help that I really wanted to provide for them. God has blessed me so often with the ability and availability to say yes to so many things and I wanted to do so yet again but that door of ministry in time of need was closed. God is faithful to those needs that we don't even know are coming and has provided for the family who needed a helping hand and also for my sanity. Having two boys with heavy after-school schedules made the decision to say no heart-breaking and yet simple. Should the situation have been different I would not have hesitated to say yes, but the answer was no before I even knew what the question was.
Many prayers will be offered for the brother and sister and daily help will be offered by the Body of Christ. The members acting together for the preservation and benefit of one another. All of this will be done because of Christ's love dwelling in us for His glory. He is faithful to meet every need that may arise and meet it to the very end.

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