Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Television Time = Family Time?

I just wanted to start by pointing out that I dearly love my brother and am grateful for our years together, even those that we've spent in front of the TV. (I haven't added up the hours but I'm sure it's too many to do so.)

I have a beloved friend (yes another) who can be no closer to be than a brother, for he is just that, my brother. At four years my elder he spent a few years trying to figure out just why he was instructed to put up with a little sister and share his cars, but in the past ten or so we've become very good friends. I respect him and his wife and have enjoyed the blessings of loving them as my brother and sister in Christ. I am blessed by their children and the time I am afforded with them all. (As a child care professional I most enjoy the time I get to just be an aunt slaying dragons in the park.)

My brother and I were TV kids. Many times the tele was our sitter as well as our entertainment. I have for the past few months owned a very large Television (not the screen, just the caseing) with no power chord. This makes watching the weather rather problematic. Perhaps if I had spent more time reading as a child instead of in front of the tele I could deal with a small apartment and no TV more aptly. But as it is, I am learning how to cope one sudoku at a time.

A small light does exist however. My brother...has a television (though it is a bit small) with a satillite connection...and the most convienent invention of this decade...


In the fall and winter months we gather, just the three of us, and indulge in an hour or two of complete wastefulness of time. After the kids are put to bed we sacrifice a bit of sleep in order to follow the caotic lives of our favorite fictional characters and see the latest events that will change the lives of our chosen reality stars and decide who goes home this week.

I have come to know my sister-in-law much better during these past two seasons. I know now that she has a great capacity for great compassion. I have known that this is one of her gifts for years but there haven't been people in our church threatened by another civilization a mere two day hike away lately. She many times feels the stress and anxiety of a fictional character in her very body and is "plum tuckered out" by the end of our adventure on a semi-deserted island. My brother however has displayed a calmness that shows his ability to step back from a situation and form thoughts and opinions based on facts presented rather than being sucked into an alternate reality.

You may be asking "And what of yourself?". Well, I think that perhaps you'ld have to ask one of the other two parties for character revelations. But I do know that I enjoy the opportunity to take a break from trying to figure out how to get the concept of "freedom" across to preschoolers and formating informational flyers for youth to shove into their Bibles and forget to pass along to their parents. (without spending $7.50 at the local theater)

Sure, I could get online and find a power chord for my 1990 television that is currently serving only as a shelf in my little apartment, but I think I would still have to make that weekly drive. I enjoy the company too much.

Until next time kids...

(If you would like to offer any spiritual significance what so ever to this post, please feel free to make a comment.)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

"Be Still And..."

"Cease striving and know that I am God;..." Psalm 46:10a (NASB)

Many of us have heard this verse in some form repeatedly in our Christian walk. And we know that a calm and Christly confidence is something we should be pressing toward, however none have achieved it in this life. I see from my personal experience that there are two general responses of those who make and effort to "Be still."

1) ...ZZZ...

This is that camp of people who in trying to be spiritual step back and wait for God's leading in such a way that leaves but one thing accomplished...nothing. They step so far back into the cleft that they cannot hear the still small voice. (I must admit that I have fallen into this catagory way too often and tend to forget why I pitched a tent in the wilderness to begin with. I have left camp, sleeping bag tucked under my arm and the fire still blazing in it's circle of rocks too many times.)

2) ...Oh, I forgot to...

This is the group that is gone before the answer comes. The people who sit down before the throne only to write their "to do" list. They find it hard to stay on one subject in conversation with God or anyone else. (Again, this is sometimes me. I rush to the mercy seat only to check it and all my rote pleas off the list, moving on to things that are all too unimportant to life and godliness.)

The correct response must be somewhere in the middle. It can only be found however in the stillness that comes from knowing that God is God.

What can we do in the meantime?
Read the remainder of the verse:
"Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 (NASB)

Know that God is God and praise Him for that. Use what you know about Him according to His word as a platform to lift Him up, to exalt Him among all that you meet on this earth. Keep on keeping on in what you know to be His will.

Blessings in the race,
N.L. White

How Great, My God, Thou Art
John 1:3

Jesus the name above all names, with joy it fills my heart!
Creator, pleasing Sacrifice, How great, my God, Thou art!
How great, my God, Thou art!

He bled and died there on the tree, glory to God He brought
And yet He made the sky and sea, O let me forget not!
O let me forget not!

He bought and named me for His own, and fills me with such zeal.
He with His spirit led me then, and now He leads me still!
And now He leads me still!

My fallen self, it died the day He called me to His side.
I’ll run to Him and call on high and in His shadow hide.
In His shadow hide.

Jesus, Creator, and my King, of Thy goodness I sing!
Lord, let Thy Word reign in my heart and let me to Thee cling!
And let me to Thee cling!

O let me ne’er forget how great, my God, Thou art!
How great, my God, Thou art!
N. L. White 2002