Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where Have I Been??

It's crazy, just plain crazy!!!

Crazy because some days I haven't really been sure where I've been, in a cyber sense that is. I've recently began working for a new family with four, count them "1...2...3...4", children AND I've moved across town... CRAZY!!!

But all of this really is not very connected to lack of web-time. It really is more connected to a lack of connection. I know what you're thinking:
"'connected to a lack of connection.' What are you thinking random blogger whom I've never read before and most likely will never come across again. That doesn't even make sense. You're a rambling idiot who has no idea how to make a simple statement like 'I haven't felt like expressing myself to the equally random public.'"

Well, if you were thinking that then you are a genius or a mind reader because there is no way that I could have worded that so eloquently. Thank you for stating it so well!!!

Yeah, so the point is that I am a bit of an introvert. Okay, maybe a little more than "a bit." SO... I haven't felt like writing out that the things that have been rolling about in my head, for the world to see. The sad thing is that when the marbles are rolling around the property up there they really do make a little more sense than you might imagine from this post. But, ALAS, they don't seem to be rolling very far this evening AND the fact that I am experiencing "typing dyslexia" doesn't help them produce thoughts of extreme wisdom and influence on the masses of people dropping in on this blog, resulting in world wide societal change.

So... I'll have to call it a night on this one and stop in, hopefully, in the near future to impart deeper words of change and impact.

Until next time...
NL White


Rachel said...

Yay!! I was afraid you simply rolled off the blogging world like Mr. Collins! Well, you know, I'm sure you did, but you fooled us all! You had ONE FINGER holding on!

N. L. White said...

I think it was just a toe, Rachel. And not even a big one, but the semi-useless one on the outside of the foot. You know the one that people break all the time.

... Yeah the "pinky-toe" although mine aren't anymore pink than the rest of my toes.

But I ramble :^)