Helos (Greek: nail)

Here you and I can find what I learn "When I Survey" nailed up.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Daily Grind

Okay, so what am I doing today?

#1 Dealing with the effects of yesterday's grape and raisin breakfast combo.

#2 Tickling a very cute 18 month old into submission and tiredness for his noon-ish snooze.

#3 Making Italian Stuffed Meatloaf during said snooze. (kudos to the Food Network - now I too can cook like my lovely and most dear friend on earth)
The Mom of the family I work for is out of the country so I thought I'd put something together for Daddy and one of the boys. (the other's a pretty picky eater, more on that another day.)

#4 Starting a SHORT story.
Now some of you know that I've been working on a "story." Well, that story is quickly becoming a novela. I don't know...maybe I'm afraid of commitment...but I've set it aside for the time being. I want to prove to myself that I am capable of writing a SHORT story. You know, one that you could read before bed...over...say...two nights instead of three weeks. So that is the big project challenge for this week and maybe next. I'll keep you posted. (ha...ha...get it? "posted")

#5 Blogging
This little exercise has proven a bit difficult as the connection here at work is a little stingy at times and therefore limits productivity in this area. I have made a slight commitment to post a little more often and as a result am very driven to finish this post.

#6 Preparing to be a Youth Leader this evening.
This one is quite tricky as well. It's not that I'm nervous or anything. I've been on the youth staff for something like nine years this coming January. It's just that I don't feel very in tune with God today and KNOW that I will mess up if I rely on myself for what needs to be provided to the kids tonight. I fall short and am pretty sure that they know it too but I don't want to disappoint. So today I'm relying on the faithfulness of God. Faithfulness to me and faithfulness to those kids. I am going take a few moments to read the Scripture that will be taught tonight and pray for strength to strive to be reliable and ready for whatever those teens throw my way and pray that He meets their needs regardless of my "self" and my flesh.

#6 Going to Bed
This will not come too soon as I rose early this morning, yes before the sun, and have a full day ahead of me. I also have to rise before the sun tomorrow. (So, I'd better go finish that meatloaf.)

Happy Day!
- NL White ;>}

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