Helos (Greek: nail)

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Monday, March 13, 2006

"Holding fast the faithful word" (Titus 1:9)

Pilgrim Ponderings- Besides reading the Bible…
(By Charles Spurgeon)
“Should you not, besides reading the Bible, store your memories richly with the promises of God? You can recollect the sayings of great men; you treasure up the verses of renowned poets; ought you not to be profound in your knowledge of the words of God, so that you may be able to quote them readily when you would solve a difficulty, or overthrow a doubt? Since "He hath said" is the source of all wisdom, and the fountain of all comfort, let it dwell in you richly, as "A well of water, springing up unto everlasting life." So shall you grow healthy, strong, and happy in the divine life.”
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In Word and Deed
A wonderful man just left the physical fellowship of our local church in order to return to his beloved wife and children. Michael Ginn is a traveling "story-teller" but the stories he relays are not that of fiction like Paul Bunyan or fairy tales of old. The stories this man conveys are true and demand a change in one's heart. This is because Mr. Ginn quotes the Living Word of God.

"I sing a song of Hercules" would be the opening phrase of the ancient entertainers who would lead their hearers into an imagined land of myth and legend. While Michael Ginn begins with "Let us hear the Word of the Lord." Our minds are filled so much, stories and rhymes from childhood, the stats of our favorite sports star. Is there room in your noggin for the Words that will never pass away? Is there room for the Words of the greatest Lover of your soul?

When I was a "youth" and not just an adult trying to hang on to that time by being a youth staff member, I memorized chapters 1&2 of 1 John and the first chapter of 2 Peter and even the first chapter of James. Those verses were tossed from the file cabinet long ago and lay strewn upon the floor of my memory but there is yet one small epistle that remains. It is the short book of Titus that has kept its place in the drawer for the past 3 years and prayerfully and with some deliberation it shall there dwell until the Lord shall take me home. But it is not enough.

Mr.Ginn, who was a child of the sixties and partook in them quite generously, is a renewed man. God has changed his heart and washed this man's mind with His regenerating power and he, who spent years destroying brain cells, has memorized the New Testament. Over a course of 20 years this carpenter who worked 40-60 hours a week disciplined his mind and body to yield the wee hours of the morning to his great and miraculous God. He simply loved Jesus and wanted to know everything the scriptures said of Him and although the Messiah is found From Genesis 3:15 and forward to the end of Revelation He lives in the Gospels and is exclusive in the epistles.

However, even the memorization of the whole of Scripture is not enough, as Michael will also agree. There must be change. Holiness must be furthered in one’s heart or these are just words and not the Word of God. I said in a joking manner to Mr. Ginn this past weekend “I wish you would stop speaking the truth.” His reply, stated in a humble manner was in effect “What else is there?” My very soul is challenged by the Word of God and it’s Truth demands a response but too often the flesh is too weak to continue in the path of repentance that Truth lightens.

Heart of Stone

What is this longing from somewhere deep with in
An empty hole of blackness that’s been filled up with sin
I know it’s You that I need to empty out this space
To heal this broken vessel by Your sovereign grace

For You to be my one true Love, my first and only choice
For You to in me resonate, Yours the only voice
O Lord, to be at one with You in the day and in the night
To know I’m in Your presence, Your arms around me tight.

I know that Your Word says that You’re right here with me
But my flesh, it tends to lie and only You can set me free
Renew in me the gift of faith that only You can give
Oh Lord, soften up this heart of stone that I may truly live.

Lord, come and lift me from this fleshly drone
Remind me of Your promise that You will take me home
This world is not my place and Heaven, it awaits
But until You take me there, fill this bless’d space

I know that Your Word says that You’re right here with me
But my flesh, it tends to lie and only You can set me free
Renew in me the gift of faith that only You can give
Oh Lord, soften up this heart of stone that I may truly live.
Copyright N.L. White 2005

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